God’s Will

I was honored to have one of my pieces featured on the latest album from the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles, In Honor of Sister Wilhelmina at Ephesus. The piece is a setting of one of Sr. Wilhelmina’s poems, along with verses from Psalm 116:

God’s Will, God’s Will, God’s Will be done!
Praised be the Father, Praised be the Son!
Praised be Divine Love, Lord Holy Ghost!
Praised be in union with the heavenly host!

Sr. Wilhelmina Lancaster (1924-2019)

We made a pilgrimage to Gower last summer to pray for a private intention in front of Sister’s incorrupt body. I sent the piece to the sisters shortly after we got home, in thanksgiving for both Sr. Wilhelmina’s intercession and the sisters’ kindness and prayers. They sent a nice note back acknowledging receipt of the piece, and that was the end of it—or so I thought. Months later, I received an email saying that it had become one of their favorites and that they planned to include it as the first track on their new album in honor of Sr. Wilhelmina. They had even harmonized the verses (originally just the unadulterated Mode VI psalm tone) using harmonies drawn from the piece!

Our original petition was not granted through Sister’s intercession, but we’ve grown very close to her since making our pilgrimage, and we have felt her intercession in many powerful ways since then. In fact, not having our petition granted was a poignant lesson in learning to trust in God’s Will rather than our own. It is my hope that all who hear this piece will grow closer to Him through the life and intercession of his faithful handmaid. Sister Wilhelmina, pray for us!

Please support the sisters by ordering the album and/or sheet music for this piece.

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